
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Where is Home?

Today, while I was buying a cheeseburger to help strengthen my wife's sanity, I heard a whisper from home. It was a confusing whisper, because I didn't know from where it had come. But didn't I just say that it came from home? Well, I don't know where my home is.
No, I'm not suffering from a bout of short term amnesia, this time. For me, home is a feeling of safety and joy. Home is eternally linked with the good ole days. But I've lived so many places and had so many fond memories I no longer know where to call my home. Is my home in Texas where I was born, or Oklahoma & Louisiana where I spent most of my formative childhood years? Perhaps it is in Arizona where I've lived longer than anywhere else or in California where I fell in love twice, met my wife, and got married.
Whenever someone asks me where I'm from, I don't have an answer. I don't have a home, I have many homes. Home is no longer a place for me, it is a feeling I take with me wherever I go. Where do you call home? What are the qualifications of home for you? Let me know if you have the time.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, home. Sometimes you can only figure out where your home is when you're no longer there. I love the idea of home. But I've spent most of my life not feeling like I had one.

    It only took moving away from it twice, but now I think my home must be Arizona. How embarrassing. But I miss it. I want to go back.


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